Youth Development

AIR’s youth development work is based on the idea that evidence-based and practice-informed solutions can foster conditions for thriving youth and families, supportive schools, and community development. Our domestic and international youth development work includes many topics that are interrelated and contribute to thriving and equity, including how and where young people learn and develop.

Our Work

AIR experts lead work in this area that includes but is not limited to:

  • School-based afterschool and expanded learning programming;
  • Community-based out-of-school time programming, including before and after school, as well as during the summer;
  • Community schools and other place-based initiatives;
  • STEM programming; and
  • Experiential learning, including play-based education, environmental education, arts programming, and mentoring.

Our youth development work is connected to AIR’s work on whole child learning and development, including social and emotional learning and related frameworks, school climate and conditions for learning, and other youth-serving systems.

Image of Deborah Moroney
Vice President